Caspio Simplifies Processes for Financial Services Company

Case Study Synopsis

Customer Northern Coast Financial
Industry Finance
Challenge Build a smarter database alternative to Excel for improved collaboration
Why Caspio
  • Serves as a custom alternative to “large, expensive” financial apps
  • Empowers small businesses to build collaborative database solutions
  • Enables owners to focus on core business and not worry about IT


My name is Tom Jones. I’m the president and CEO of a small hedge fund called Northern Coast.


I’m also CEO of a publicly traded company called Smartchase. The difference between the two is, one is a private hedge fund and Smartchase is a financial advisory.

Alternative to ‘Complex, Large, Expensive’ Financial Apps

In the financial services sector in general, most of the applications are very complex, very large and very expensive — three big problems for small entities like us.


Even if we could afford those applications, it would be using a solution with 2,000 variables when we might only need 40 or 50. We found ourselves in a situation whereby none of the existing applications really fit.


It became fairly clear that if we wanted a smarter application than Excel, we had to build it ourselves.

Caspio: A Platform to Build Platforms

About a year or year and a half ago, I started looking around and essentially found Caspio. Basically, very quickly I realized through the simple free account that essentially, it was a platform to build platforms.


The application enabled us to coordinate the information between our team and those that find and refer investors who are very independent investment advisors.


What we provide them, from a regulatory point of view, are all the registrations. And what the Caspio platform does is essentially streamline all of that collaboration.

Focus on More Important Aspects of the Business

For me, the best thing about Caspio is I can focus on the business. I can focus on the most important aspect, which is our investor, and making sure that they’re happy, making sure we’re taking care of them.


I don’t have to worry about uptime, I don’t have to worry about writing the right code or not.


Having Caspio take care of the back end, it’s one less thing to worry about. And that risk is managed so I can focus on the core business.

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