Caspio Slashes HIPAA-App Development Time by 60%

Case Study Synopsis

Customer SiteRocket Labs
Industry Technology / Consulting
Challenge Quickly deliver a custom, HIPAA-compliant web application for a healthcare client
Why Caspio
  • Reduces application development time by as much as 60%
  • Allows customizations while ensuring HIPAA compliance
  • Enables app development agencies to pass on savings to clients


My name is David Emerson, I’m the founder of SiteRocket Labs.


SiteRocket Labs designs and develops custom-built web applications mostly in health and life sciences. I founded the company almost 10 years ago and I oversee its day-to-day operations.


We’ve worked on projects that were funded by a variety of different organizations: NIH (National Institutes of Health), Harvard School of Public Health, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Canada Health Infoway and several other smaller organizations and startups.

Slowed by Compliance, Traditional Development

Because a lot of our work is in health, security is always a major concern for our clients. A number of the systems we’ve developed store personnel health data and are subject to HIPAA requirements and that tends to take a long time to deal with.


We’re a custom software development agency and developing custom software using traditional tools is very labor-intensive. You often need to do a lot of coding in order to accomplish seemingly simple things.


We’re always on the lookout for a better, faster and more efficient way of building things.

Meeting Healthcare Client’s Custom Requirements

I was approached by a client in the medical industry that needed a web application to manage the logistics of their business. They needed something that had very specific functionality. Their needs were so unique to their business that they couldn’t just use an off-the-shelf EMR platform. I looked for tools that can do the trick and get this job done.


And ultimately, I decided to choose Caspio because of the HIPAA-compliant edition that I knew would be great for this purpose. And sure enough, it was.

Remarkable Speed, Security and Savings With Caspio

Our team literally built out the system in six weeks. It was amazing to see the application take shape. The client was thrilled! We were able to pass along significant savings to them and it was pretty much a game-changer for us.


We worked on this project using Caspio in literally 40% of the time that it would have taken to complete the same project using conventional software development tools. And that was pretty remarkable for us.


I would definitely advise other companies that are thinking of using Caspio to go ahead and sign up for a free trial. Try to create an application for themselves and see how easy it is to develop full-featured web applications to help them transform and streamline their businesses.


I’ve seen our product evolve a little bit. I’m looking forward to working with Caspio for many years as our product continues to evolve and get better.

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