Ned Pajić: Caspio Technical Evangelist Is the Nerd Next Door
January 29, 2018

An increasing number of tech-savvy business professionals in non-technical roles are interested in developing custom applications that meet their specific needs. If these business developers are Jedi knights looking to overcome their business challenges, then Caspio’s low-code platform is the all-powerful Force that provides everything they need to build custom web applications. However, even the most powerful Jedi knight still benefits from the sage wisdom of a master Force-wielder like Yoda.
Caspio’s Yoda is Tech Evangelist and resident Star Wars geek Ned Pajić. Ned is a passionate communicator and Caspio’s foremost advocate. He humanizes the Caspio low-code platform in ways that make it more accessible and relatable to business developers.
We talked to Ned about his time at Caspio and what it means to be a tech evangelist.
Hi Ned! It’s nice to finally put a face to the “voice of Caspio.”
Glad to be here!
What does it mean to be Caspio’s tech evangelist?
My role gives me the opportunity to educate Caspio’s customers on how to use the platform. I produce videos and conduct webinars to teach customers how to use Caspio’s amazing features and help them bring their applications to life.
What brought you to Caspio?
I actually started out in the hospitality industry. Out of college, I worked at the local Hyatt as a sales director. I minored in computer science, and was impressed by what my college buddies were achieving in tech. I decided to go into the tech field myself and found this perfect role for a hybrid position as a sales rep with technical skills at this great company called Caspio. The rest is history.
What did you learn in your first position as sales rep?
I learned that it takes a special person to articulate technical terms to non-technical business developers. There are good developers and there are articulate communicators. What I learned is that a company like Caspio benefits from a point person who fuses these two positions together. Caspio needed someone with a technical background who is also able to communicate the advantages of using the platform.
Is this how you view tech evangelism?
Yes, tech evangelists seamlessly communicate what a company does and how customers are able to maximize their product. In Caspio’s case, I explain terms like database relationships and tables in a language that is easy to understand.
You must get a kick out of interacting with Caspio’s customers.
Honestly, just to hear customers tell me how my videos and my training sessions have built their confidence in developing their own applications fills me with immense pride. It really motivates me whenever a customer reaches out with an email saying how my training sessions helped them.
What did it feel like to make your first Caspio video?
The anticipation was nerve-wracking because the expectation was very high! Of course, I really wanted people to like the material and the content. It’s important that people have a better understanding of our platform after watching one of our videos.
You must really immerse yourself in tech culture, huh?
Yeah, I’ll admit to being a pretty big geek. I’m a huge Star Wars fan. I also relax by playing video games and have all the current consoles. I also love strategy board games like Risk and Scrabble. I have a bit of a competitive streak and it really comes out when I play board games! I’ll be the first to shake your hand if you beat me fairly, though. I’m a good sport so don’t worry!
You mentioned being a Star Wars fan. If Caspio was a Star Wars character, who would it be?
R2-D2 for sure! He’s reliable and he’s there every time you need him. Count on Artoo to get you out of a sticky situation!
Awesome! Thanks for your time Ned!
No problem! May the Force be with you.
Find out more about Caspio’s powerful features by watching one of Ned’s insightful videos. Want to join the team? Check out our Careers page today!