Advance Your Career by Learning the Hottest Tech Skills
March 7, 2014

If you have promised yourself to brush up on some professional skills this year, take note that two full months have already slipped away. No matter what you have on your to-do list, tech skills are usually a good starting point since technology is inundating nearly every aspect of our life and work. The next question then becomes: Which tech skills are worthwhile given your limited time and resources?
According to the Top 7 Most In-Demand Tech Skills published by ReadWrite, the answer is: “all things cloud” and coding, coding, and more coding. In fact, five of the seven skills are programming languages such as JavaScript, PHP, and HTML5.
A recent survey by the Harvard Business Review also found that 83% of Harvard MBA students who went on to start or work for technology companies said it was worth it to learn basic coding skills.
So, should you set out to learn an entire programming language? Well, let’s be realistic for a moment. Heavy-duty coding is not for everyone, especially for business professionals coming from a non-technical background. You need to spend a considerable amount of time and energy to be able to write even the simplest program, not to mention a usable application that solves real-world business problems.
While the whole “learning to code from scratch” thing may sound like a good goal to have, it can become too daunting in actual practice. But don’t give up. What if there was a tool that would enable you to create all kinds of applications without having to write code? A simple but powerful tool that you can use to streamline processes, enhance workflows, and unleash your creativity? Why hand-code when you can achieve virtually the same results without actually programming?
If all this sounds too good to be true, you should add Caspio to the top of your list. Caspio is a cloud application platform designed with business professionals in mind. An intuitive point-and-click app builder guides you through every step of the application creation process.
To help speed up the learning process, Caspio offers free hands-on training for people at all technical levels. Other online resources such as videos, tech tips, and community discussion forums are also available for free whenever you need them. Our experience shows that a Caspio newbie can get their first prototype up-and-running within a few hours. And on top of all that, there is expert technical support available from both Caspio staff and our user community.
Here is what a Caspio user is saying about her experience:

Isabelle Williams, Boomtown Realty
“Caspio takes care of all my databases and provides an easy-to-go interface, which allows me to handle my data in any way possible. Beyond anything, they are number one in customer support, by chat and phone; they provide a wide range of tutorials and have a monitored forum which is a great value. I highly recommend the use of Caspio. With them, you will go beyond anything you could imagine and be able to create anything you want.”
Not only can you achieve your professional training goals for the year by learning Caspio, the skills you will gain make you more resourceful and valuable in your organization. That’s because now you bring unique skills that no one else has, except for developers who have to spend a great deal more time to code solutions from scratch.
Many business professionals have achieved great successes with Caspio’s free online database, transforming spreadsheets, paper forms, and manual processes into database applications. Just as one of our clients puts it: “Once you understand the basics of Caspio, endless possibilities will be at your fingertips!”
To learn more, sign up for a free project consultation or contact us at any time.